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Nameless League ADC Power Rankings
by gl4cial on Aug 3

Hello everyone,

CoryJJ here alongside gl4cial as we bring YOU our prospective power rankings strictly for the ADC roles here in this Nameless Summer split. We collectively did a deep dive and collaborated on this ranking and overview of everyone's ADCs as this split is approaching its last week in the regular season. Our goal is just to bring some insight and digging to highlight the beloved ADC players in this split. I know I ain’t a professional (Cory) or have done these “rankings” very often but EVERYONE loves some good old fashion content. So let's have at er’.


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The Weekly Classic | Week 4: A Fast but Incomplete Week - Advanced
by Ulrum on Mar 18

What better way to abuse the adc centric meta than to stack another adc on top? Hell, who needs a traditional support either? Just two ADCs, a Heimer, and some front line. What was anyone supposed to do? All jokes aside though, I think this is a really interesting draft, even if I think that a few adjustments from NG could have made the draft difference go the other way...


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CCS Novice Week 5 Power Rankings
by Storm on Mar 17

I think it is hard to argue that Optimal Esports are not currently the favorites to win CCS Novice. They were in my S tier from the start and they will remain on top of CCS Novice. Why is there such a gap in between OE and everyone else? First off they are the only team in the league that is still undefeated in matches. 2nd OE have not just played weak opponents they 2-0d ROK last week who were undefeated up to that point and took out CB Rush in 2 games in week 1. I admit I was a little surprised to see this team losing games to DZG and ELY. It shows that OE is not perfect and they can lose...


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Chelsea' C.R.I.N.G.E Report | Week 4: Banger Edition - Intermediate
by Chelsea on Mar 16

Hard Hat Zone are looking like the number 1 team coming into the back half of the regular season, only having 1 game loss to Dorado Gaming Omega of all teams. Alternative, their star player, leads the league in kills and is 2nd in DPM and has not disappointed with his pocket picks...


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The Weekly Classic | Week 3: Early Upsets and Some Quick Series - Advanced
by Ulrum on Mar 11

This is sincerely one of those games in which a single player was able to not only put the team on their back, but also show why the ADC position is honestly overloaded this split. Personally, a lot of what I dislike about the TCR draft here is shown off by the end result. There really just wasn’t a coherent way for TCR to consistently threaten the carries of TAN...


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The Breakdown | Week 4 - Novice
by Storm on Mar 11

Currently teams are starting to break out into packs. OE, ROK and BCWB are all sitting undefeated in terms of series scores and are hunting for the top 2 spots giving them a playoff bye. From 4th to 8th in our standings are the teams that are still very much in the playoff hunt trying to make sure that they can be in the top 6 and make it to the playoffs...


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Chelsea's C.R.I.N.G.E Report | Week 3: Banger Edition - Intermediate
by Chelsea on Mar 11

I think we have a clear top 5 teams, with Dorado Omega being a wild-card 6th place. I think these teams are all really close in skill and all can take series/games off of each other. I also think Omega and Mint Tax Evasion are really good, but Omega is very inconsistent and Mint hasn’t played a top half team that has had a full roster yet...


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The Weekly Classic | Week 2: The Ball is Rolling - Advanced
by Ulrum on Mar 11

Welcome to the 2nd edition of The Weekly Classic, where we’re going to take a deeper dive into what happened in Week 2 of the Advanced League, what we can expect in next week’s games, and some looks at the general rankings of the teams in this league. My name is Ulrum, and I’ll be taking you all through this bit by bit each week...


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The Breakdown | Week 3 - Novice
by Storm on Mar 11

We are now getting into week 3, a third of the way through the season. In the wise words of Zilean "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like banana." I have once again put up a poll asking how we want the format of my articles to change. Everyone voted for me to keep things the same. Everyone liked the last article. Works for me...


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Chelsea's C.R.I.N.G.E Report | Week 3 - Intermediate
by Chelsea on Mar 2

Hi! Until Gl4cial gets started with content, I’ll be doing the intermediate power rankings/content for you guys, so good luck with that. Also, Mr. Potate is back, so that’s kinda cool. Now that another week has passed, we do a little more adjustments with the rankings. I’m excited to see how the rest of the split will turn out! Without further ado, presenting, Chelsea’s CCS Recent Important Noteworthy Gaming Events Report...


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