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The Breakdown | Week 3 - Novice

by Storm on Mar 11

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Hey everyone CTRL ULT ELITE the ELITE writer here once again. We are now getting into week 3, a third of the way through the season. In the wise words of Zilean "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like banana." I have once again put up a poll asking how we want the format of my articles to change. Everyone voted for me to keep things the same. Everyone liked the last article. Works for me.


Reign of Kings Vs CB Galaxy

Prediction 2-0 for Reign of Kings

Lane to Watch: Mid

I think it's fairly easy to say that ROK has had a pretty easy time so far in CCS novice. They have played TMG and SHZ who everyone has ranked as teams in the bottom half of the standings. I mean even my team was able to start a league 2-0(LETS GO BASEMENT DWELLERS) without dropping a game in Titan by playing 2 of the lower half ranked teams. CB Galaxy are also unfortunately in that camp of probably being a team that is going to finish the season right on the edge of making playoffs. Losing last week without taking a game off Elysium Frost was a worry for me. I think this week you are playing a much better team in ROK.  

Draft wise for ROK last week they did everything right again and showed off some new things that teams are going to have to take notice of. Again your drafting is good, every team has initiation, lots of CC and things that are flex picks are left as flex picks until the end of draft. Senna Seraphine is a lane I love to see in draft but hate to play as or against. The scaling it provides and utility is nearly unmatched and with the easy answer for dives in Ashe banned you can draft this early. I am not sure if Lilia was the right choice in the jungle but who cares this game 1 draft was great again. I think game 2 your draft was a little weaker? Maokai for sure should have been picked earlier than the Lee Sin(who bans Lee Sin). But yeah again you have the CC, hard engage and damage versatility to easily win. 

Cb Galaxy despite not winning a series I have no right really to bash your drafts. They are good solid team fight drafts. I think the thing you guys need to focus on is less on the big picture of your drafts and more making sure that you have clear lanes to gank. As viego in game 1 where on earth are you supposed to go? Like your lane with easy gank setup is Ornn. But shen has a dash, is tanky and can block your autos so that lane is hard to gank and you can more or less go down every lane and go, well I cannot gank there easily either. Without places to easily gank and get your jungle ahead it just makes your early and mid game so much harder.

As far as the players to watch  in this series I think it's mid lane for sure. Spires has the highest KP% for his team he is the playmaker on the side of CB Galaxy. On the other hand Falsen the mid for ROK has the highest DMG a minute out of every mid in CCS novice right now and is 2nd out of every player. Both teams have their mid play the game entirely differently Spires is looking to push out make plays and roam. Falsen wants to sit in mid lane and farm until they are at their item spikes grabbing free plates and all that tasty CS.

Elysium Frost vs Optimal Esports Streamed Match #2

Prediction 2-0 for Optimal Esports 

Lane to Watch: Top Lane

Another week, another 2-0 prediction for Optimal Esports. Listen, I meant what I said last week that I am putting this team 2-0 until they show me I should not. But they lost last week you might say. Go look at that draft in game 2. IDK who the fuck cooked that mess up but it should have never made it to the pass and gone straight into the grabage. That's like a burned steak with raw potatoes level of bad cooking. But ELY is the higher rated team you say. They have not dropped a game! I mean sure but again ELY has not played another team that I think will end the season in the top 4.

Draft wise for OE last week their drafts were uh something all right. Jesus maybe I should predict this as a 2-1… Game 1 you gave DZG pretty much everything they wanted and saved the entire draft with the Galio, Olaf picks. Game 2 I only thing I can say is that with Kai’Sa, Jinx, Xayah all off the table picking an ADC here was hard but Zeri was not it. Ezreal probably for Zac Amumu? Twitch maybe so you can scurry around and never get initiated on? Game 3 I have not seen these counter picks but hey it worked well for you. Note to self try Morde mid into sylas.

 For Elysium Frost last week in draft showed more solid fundamental team comps. They have an obvious go button this week it being the Vi ultimate. Follow that up with lots of winning lanes and some follow up CC and your golden. I have almost no critiques to offer you other than maybe try and find a flex pick? 

 There are tons of great lanes to watch this week. Both of these teams have phenomenal ADC players, great mid laners and junglers. But the top lane is where I expect the action to be. Boogie has shown that in the top lane they are looking to play towards the split push threats. Elsa from Frozen is definitely on the same side of that spectrum and is going to try and skill check you. I would be shocked if these 2 players do not take turns going for solo kills all series.  

Let em Cook VS ShadowZ Plat

Prediction 2-1 for Let Em Cook 

Lane to Watch: Mid

Let Em Cook has got the hot hand coming into this series and I think they are going to use that momentum to carry them to another series win. On the side of ShadowZ they have brought in Eazy a new mid laner and swapped Moowy to their sub. I have covered Eazy and know them from my time in BOL. I hope that Eazy will provide some stability to SHZ. Both these teams have issues in draft so we might see some absolute wack team comps this week.

Alright LEC you won your series let's look at these drafts. How did you make your comps work so much better than week 1? Okay pulling it up. Oh TMG only got 1 ban round 1. You still just drafted random things and hoped for the best huh? Well at least you guys pick lanes together and matched counter picks. So you got that over SHZ. But listen going alright Weakside Warrior heres counter pick go win us the game is not going to work every series. Weakside warrior deals almost 30% of this team's damage on average every game. Ruined king despite getting his name sake so much needs to start stepping it up. You looked better on wukong than any other game. 

So for ShadowZ I said they had disastrous drafts in week 1. If that was getting a report card you probably get an F on that series. This series it's probably a D-. It got better but it is still a failure more or less. So why am I so critical? 1st off this team is still drafting for individual players/lanes. Team cohesion in the draft is just not there and the basics seem to be missing. Udyr 1st pick is something you do not need to do. It's not a priority pick for the rest of the league, no one is taking it from you. It's not a flex pick for your team, we all know where that's going. On the blue side you want your 1st pick to ideally be a strong flex pick or a denial from the other team. Karma that you picked last in game 1 was great here, Varus maybe as he can be flexed how he builds and lots of teams like him. Then you compliment your strong 1st pick not just random grab things. Like Udyr, Renketon is showing dive threat, great grab a mid who can push and make sure you can set that up or an ADC who is safe and functions while pushed in. Instead SHZ just grabbed things that individual players like. They sorta kinda have a pick comp in game 1. Game 2 their draft is just bits and pieces, it's not a comp. 

So as far as SHZ they have replaced Moowy with Eazy. That's an upgrade for sure. I am currently in Fantasy hockey mode so forgive me but uh Moowy might have been your best player he was for sure not your worst. So Moowy is definitely a work around, Moowy fights a lot. But uh he's the only person on this team getting solo kills, he was doing the most damage a minute on your team and has the highest % of your team's damage, and lead SHZ in Kill participation as well. Listen I have no idea as an outsider looking in Moowy might be a toxic dumpster fire of a human being who trolls draft and everyone played worse for it and made the game about themselves. Eazy is probably going to eclipse every stat I just listed as well. They are a top 5 mid for sure. Your team needs to find a team identity that is the biggest issue right now. Is playing totally around Yung Rat the answer? Is it trying to make sure Barley Moishe kills everyone? I don’t know and I’m not sure you know the answer either.

Mid lane is for sure the lane to watch this series. SHZ are relying on Eazy to make a difference they have not won a game. On the side of LEC we have NEOFromRwby who has the highest KDA on the team mostly due to the fact that they have the second most assists on the team.

True minded Gaming vs Bing Chillers Worry Brothers Streamed Match

Prediction 2-0 for Bing Chillers Worry Brothers 

Lane to Watch: Jungle

This should be an easy 2-0 for the Bing Chillers Worry Brothers. I think that the Bing Chillers are easily a top 3 team as I have previously talked about for a multitude of reasons. True minded gaming I am still not convinced by. I think that they will have some closer series as the roster continues to grow together but this week is not it. Save the mental and focus on what your team does well this series.

  Draft wise I have not talked about BCWB yet. Simply put, they draft well. Early picks are focused on priority ADCs, they match things in later rounds and generally take safe blind picks. Their comps make sense together and there is always enough of the key ingredients of a draft. Like there is enough CC for teamfights, your team has enough damage to kill things, there are places to gank that work well. Only thing I have is maybe adjust your bans a little more, swap some stuff up when you switch sides of the map but hey keep drafting like this and your team will be happy and so will I.

So True minded gaming drafted quite well in week 1. I think they did a little worse in week 2 but they also had 2 less bans to work with so I cannot blame them. You guys are drafting fairly well Seaborg has places to gank with setup and you are playing some tried and true combos that are probably going to work in the draft as long as league is a game. I just hope you guys are able to find a new top laner and get this team rolling together.

So I think that no matter what lane I pick as the lane to watch its going to be BCWB favored I'm sorry to say. For TMG Seaborg I feel is their best player. He has a insane 66% KP, the lowest deaths a game for his team and is top 5 in dmg a minute of every jungler. If anyone can make sure that TMG is set up to win a game in this series I think it's Seaborg.

DZG Styx Vs Cb Rush

Prediction 2-1 for CB Rush 

Lane to Watch: Supports in the bot lane

So heading into this series I think that this should be an awesome set of games to watch. Both teams are coming off of  a 1-2 week where they were able to take a game off what most people consider to be the top 2 teams of CCS novice. CB Rush finally had their main roster together and DZG are starting to click together as a team. They have gone 3 games every series so far and I think that trend will continue this week. 

So draft wise you have your full together for the 1st time how does that change things up? Well in draft CB Rush did not say oh lets play a scaling team fights in this series. No they went for the throat and I’m here for it. You guys picked Varus an immobile ADC here is tristana Pyke were going to make sure that Varus chain dies. Game 2 you play Renekton and want to win early? Guess what fucker Kled gaming time there is no back only more forwards. I just think it shows confidence in yourself as a team that is rare to see. I think it's great and despite having such aggressive lanes things made sense overall. There was a clear win condition every game CC was provided. I felt like CB rush had a plan.

DZG Styx in draft of game 2 I talked about is the Zac and Amumu Flex really with it? Game 2 of the series you won vs OE showed me I was wrong my b guys. You kept the flex picks up to the right time and really screwed with OE. For the other 2 games I am not super happy? Game 1 you guys are playing full dive again your round 1 options are fantastic. Round 2 I think was a little rough. Blind picking Lissandra is probably not the best idea. Fiddle is not the greatest early game champ and neither is Liss you kind of give up the early push advantages. I think you should have gone after more of these anti dive things like you did in round 1. Cassiopeia maybe? Morde makes sense. Game 3 again I am not really sure what the plan is this game. It just looks like 5 king od random things thrown together. Sure there is lots of individually good things but like how do teamfights work? Your team also has 0 waveclear whatsoever.

Lane to watch this series is probably support strangely enough. Kanaina has shown they are willing to play whatever the team needs and play aggressive. Uknowthekid the support for DZG has 85% kp on his team over 5 games. That is so insanely high being anywhere over 60% is noteworthy. 


So for Interviews for this week I got every team to answer 12 questions. Again if you are wanting anything specifically asked or want to be interviewed hit me up with the questions. Again, any feedback is appreciated. I know the fonts I chose last week were a little chaotic and hard to read so this week I have Redakted helping me format this. As far as the silly questions this week I asked and answered myself:

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    Listen I had such a shit day I wanted something edgy for a question. I miss listening to angsty music as a teenager. You know what I’m making a spotify list and rocking out to this. Uh as far as my own Epitaph I don't want one? I want to be cremated ash scattered into the wind kind of thing.

  2. What's the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about? 

    For me it was Kingdom the MMA drama or Counterpart the SciFi show.

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower? 

    The easy answer is something catchy and dirty. AC/DC - Big Balls (Official Audio) This is my go to as it made my first partner laugh whenever I had to sing at karaoke. 

Reign of Kings

For reign of Kings we have their mid lane superstar Flasen answering.  

  1. How often does your team practice?

    We practice once or twice a week depending on schedule, I think we had a total of 6 or 7 scrims together so far as a roster. 

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

    I didn't choose CCS personally I joined the team last minute, they were already planning to play in CCS and I just followed

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

     I'm not playing in any other league at the moment

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

     I usually ban the most OP champ on the patch in the last few patch I thought Zac was broken so he was the chosen one, right now I generally ban Annie

  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

     I will be the highest rated according to stats and the eye test so : ME

  6. Next Week you play CB Galaxy. Whats the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

     I don't know shit about CBG but like any series that we will play it will end in a clean 2-0 for us.

  7. Last week you played ShadowZ Plat. What pick surprised you the most? If nothing surprised you can say the player that did the best for them instead.

     To be honest I wasn't very impressed by any player in the Shadow team I think their name is pretty good for them because I didn't notice any of them and I think they are going to stay in the Shadow

  8. You have primarily been playing control mages this entire time in CCS. Are there certain picks that you just want to play a more direct counter for instead of a control mage? For example playing Renketon into Yasuo, Aatrox into TF etc.

    I have some picks that aren't control mages I just need the right team comp around me to pick it but so far the team has been doing pretty well with our current draft methods so we will see.

  9. How do you feel about the Veigar range changes? Are these incredible buffs? A barely noticeable change? 

    Oh they changed the Veigar range? I didn't notice it at all, I don't think the buffs are special. PS I don't think people should ban Veigar agaisn't me.

Silly Questions

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    My initials are WP so it would represents my league gameplay pretty well

  2. Whats the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about? 

     I liked Alice in Borderland a lot. I wish most people knew about it, it's better than Squid games and way less popular.

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower? 

    If I sing in the shower everyone in my house will want to kill me so I try not to. Right now I like NF - HOPE (Lyrics)

Cb Galaxy

 For CB Galaxy we have their mid laner Spires answering this week's questions.

  1. How often does your team practice?

    we practice at least once a week, but also try to flex on another day as 5

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

     I actually played on CCS when it was a team org in 2019 , but I also am a big fan of the production staff ( you're amazing btw)

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

    Not this season yet, but I previously played in Titan, RSE, and Aegis

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

    Gangplank bro. nothing feels worse then getting one shot by barrel combo, i'm telling you.

  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

    Me obviously Kappa

  6. Next Week you play the undefeated Reign of Kings. What's the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

     Well obviously they're good, but I feel like their schedule has been really easy. Anyway, it's going to be a 2-1 CBG win . Excited to prove myself against Falsën

  7. Last week you played Elysium Frost. What pick surprised you the most? If nothing surprised you can say the player that did the best for them instead.

    Their team comps seemed pretty standard, which isn't a bad thing, but they didn't really bring anything surprising to draft or playstyle. I'd say Vortex played really well, only having one death in whole series on ADC.

  8. Last week was sadly 0-2. You guys were down farm almost across the board every game. Was it just due to dying and losing or something else for you in mid

    Honestly, prepare for me to be behind in cs in most games. I usually sacrifice farm for a more roam heavy and aggressive playstyle. I hope this shows with having the highest KP out of all mids as well as second highest Jungle Prox.

  9. Game 1 of this series you were unable to pop off on Vex. What was the biggest issue? Was it the shen R preventing the chain ults? 

     I think it was mostly a miscommunication of the execution of comp. Vex wants to play explosively as seen in week 1 game 1. However, the team ended up playing really slow, losing one fight at drake and we were pretty behind all game. Don't worry though, I'll make sure Vex gets perma'd in the future.

Silly Questions

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    "I can't believe I went 0/1 IRL ff"

  2. What's the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about? 

    I don't think "Vikings" got as much credit as it deserved. Bro makes me want to main Olaf.

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower? 

    I just listened to that song by AC/DC because of you and I'm not sure if I want to continue this interview.........Anyway, Probably Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds (Official Lyric Video)I go to karaoke bars and that song is my staple

Optimal Esports 

This week I have MxTato(support answering) for Optimal Esports as well as HunterSteelWold5(jungle) In Red.

  1. How often does your team practice?

     We have a set scrim day and sometimes we just play together for fun

    Almost one a week

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

    We thought it was gonna be a good league overall and it did fit all our schedules

    Flay bribed me to be here. But also I won BOL and could no longer play there next split, so my options for a free cashout were limited. At the end of the day, it wouldn’t be the same without clapping some Dorado cheeks.

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

    Yeah, I'm also playing on Titan under the Elysium banner.

    CCS novice, intermediate, metashift, vrs

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

    I usually ban Lux, I think that champ is unfair to play against.


  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

    I think it's gonna be anyone on the topside of the map. They're really good at this game.

    Probably 1E318, god bless his heart. He will forever be remembered.

  6. Next Week you play Elysium Frost. What's the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

    It's probably gonna end 2-1 or 2-0 in our favor. I wanna beat them since I play for them on another league, and someone there told me that I'm not the best supp in their server. I wanna prove em wrong. Plus, it's gonna be a fun match!

    I don’t know if I have ever played against them before and normally I would say judging from their record they should be somewhat formidable, but they seemed to have played possibly two of the worst teams in the league. I do not think they will be that much of a challenge but I suppose I could be proven wrong. Something doesn’t bode well when their top laner is a varus one trick and seems to be by far their weakest link. I think it’s going to be an easy 2-0.

  7. Last week you played DZG Styx. What pick surprised you the most? If nothing surprised you about their draft can say the player that did the best for them instead.

    What surprised me the most, was their deathball style of comp, it was hard to play against, it took us by surprise.

    The most surprising pick was lissandra because it was paired with fiddle and was utterly useless. Otherwise nothing was that surprising. We expected a zac flex to top and all the other picks in their arsenal. I would have to say that the zac top also didn’t really do anything inside of that game, it was mainly dragone giving us a beatdown and who is probably the best player on their team with their top laner being their worst player.

  8. What do you think was the biggest problem from the game 2 draft on your team? 

    For me, the biggest problem was that we weren't picking towards our strengths and we also weren't picking comfort. We solved that on game 3.

    I think we drafted a lot of short range disengage which would be okay into their comp with more of a focus around playing for bot lane in fights, but I inted hard early game and the game became too hard to play for our bot lane, so I wouldn’t call it a draft problem as much as an in game play problem. 

  9. Is having hard engage options a priority for your team? You seem to gravitate towards those picks a lot.

    I play what my team wants me to play, for example, I played Lulu on week 1, but, since I mostly play tanky/engage supports, they feel confident on me performing on those champs.

    I do like me some yummy engage.

Silly Questions

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    "Game over" that's about it.

    Absolute Unit (just like the league title)

  2. Whats the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about? 

    Brooklyn 99. I'm don't really watch much tv shows or series at all.

    These days I end up not having a lot of time to watch shows and when I do it's usually stuff that's already highly recommended, but I would say Love Death and Robots.

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower? 


    Drake, 21 Savage - Rich Flex (Audio)  21 CAN YOU DO SOMETHING FOR MEEEEEEEEEEE.

Elysium Frost

For Elysium Frost Vortex their ADC was volunteered to answer.

  1. How often does your team practice?

    our team practices three times a week though that has gone down to once a week because of the leagues.

    Storms note: Jesus christ I wish I had that much free time again. 3 Times a week? God damn.

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

    we choose CCS because it's a meme/banter shit talk league.

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

    we are also playing in Aegis' APL.

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

    For my solo que ban is caitlyn/draven because i hate their early game pressure.

  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

    I believe that based on the stats the person who is going to end the season should be me.

  6. Next Week you play Optimal Esports. Whats the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

    Don't have any opinion on them because I'm so new so I couldn't really tell you the score but I believe that my team can make a 2-0 victory.

  7. Last week you played CB Galaxy. What pick surprised you the most? If nothing surprised you can say the player that did the best for them instead.

    No pick really surprised me but the player that in my opinion did the best was spires the mid laner. I think his engages were good, but with the lead that we had we just kept winning fights.

  8. What is the best and worst part about playing with ELY Alylek?

    I think the best part about playing with Alylek is his incredible vision, hes able to keep the map very well warded even when behind. the worst in my opinon would have to be his engage can be hit or miss.

  9. You only died once last series. Was your team just easily able to peel you? Did they not draft enough dive? You're a god gamer? 

    I believe the reason for my dying only once was not only my team being able to peel me well but also the fact that our lead let us take riskier fights and snowball me more

Silly Questions

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    he died as he lived, playing way too many games

  2. Whats the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about?

    I personally haven't watched a tv show in a while and all the ones i liked people also liked

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower?

    fav song to sing in the shower would prob beJeff Buckley - Hallelujah (Original Studio Version)

Let Em Cook

Ruined King the Jungler for Let Em Cook took my questions this week

  1. How often does your team practice?

    Once or twice a week

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

    Our mid laner chose this one so I have no idea

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

     Yes we are playing in one other

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

    Maokai No questions asked

  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

    Barleymoishe i think he peaked plat 1

  6. Next Week you play ShadowZ Plat. What's the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

    I think we are going to win 2-0. I haven't really looked at ShadowZ stats yet so i have no opinions

  7. Last week you played True Minded Gaming. What pick surprised you the most in that series? If nothing surprised you can say the player that did the best for them instead.

    The sion top was kind of surprising just because i never see anyone play sion in competitive play

  8. Weakside Warrior is currently doing the most damage a minute for your entire team and the only one at 15 minutes with a gold lead on average. Was that the plan heading into this split? Have a top lane focused team?

    Weakside Doing most dmg definitely wasn't the plan going into this split, but it just shows how much fighting he does in the top lane

  9. The Varus game was a pop off performance for sure out of Barleymoishe. They did not do nearly as well the rest of the series. You guys played a pushing bot that game was that the reason why Varus had so much success that game?

    Varus has a lot of diversity in his builds and can change what he does depending on the team comp we and the enemy have. Paired with the ashe could be a deadly poke combo

Silly Questions

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    Honestly it would probably we something Kingdom Hearts related. It would probably be "XIII" 

  2. Whats the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about?

    A sleeper show I watched has to be Eminence in Shadow. Its an anime that aired this year and its a banger

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower?

    Favorite song to sing in the shower is 100% Dirty Diana

ShadowZ Plat

For ShadowZ plat their ADC archer stepped up.

  1. How often does your team practice?

    We practice once or twice a week with gamedays, Plenty of duo games. 

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

    I believe the team played in the previous split and the content is way better than most leagues

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

    Blue Otter League

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

    ASOL all day, that champ isn't fair

  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

    Me of course smile

  6. Next Week you play Let Em Cook. Whats the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

    2-0, I think were going to look like an actual team here to compete next week, As for them, They definitely won't be easy, especially with them coming off a win

  7. Last week you played Reign Of Kings. What pick surprised you the most? If nothing surprised you can say the player that did the best for them instead.

    ROK played really well as a team and macro'd nicely around the map as a unit, I can see them finishing top 4 in novice, their mid is spicy with the viegar

  8. Your team is the only team in the league currently without a win. Are you guys changing anything up to try and fix this? Like doing Vod review or extra practice? Finding the spice pick?

    Yes , we've recently acquired a new mid, Eazy, and switched Moowy to sub. Moowy is a very talented mid laner but we believe he needs more experience in the comp scene to grow as a player. We are hoping Eazy can bring more consistency out of the mid lane that we are looking for

  9. I see you guys are trying to find a new support. What are you looking for in your lane partner?

    Decerous is our new support after week 1, Me and him mesh really well in the bot and clicked right off the bat

Silly Questions

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?


  2. What's the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about? 

    Yellowstone, but i think people are talking about it cause its goooooood

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower? 

    Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Audio) XD

True Minded Gaming

TacoCat the multi talent laner who has played both Top & support answered for true minded gaming.

  1. How often does your team practice?

    We scrim one day a week because school for most of the team.

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

    ccs because it fit our schedule

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

    We are not 

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

    my bans are riven if top and ashe if support

  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

    Although he isn't on his main id say Seaborg 

  6. Next Week you play Bing Chillers Worry Borthers. What's the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

    The meme score is us 2-0 but i think they are a very strong team so i think they will win 2-1(being hopeful) 

  7. Last week you played Let Em Cook. What pick surprised you the most? If nothing surprised you can say the player that did the best for them instead.

    I'm gonna be honest nothing too surprising but i think their top jungle are the strongest player

  8. Game 3 you brought out the J4 top pick into olaf. What was the idea behind this pick? Was is as simple as ult him to peel your team? Another knock up for Yasuo?

    The j4 pick was to add another knock up for yasuo. J4 is just a good pick into olaf bc you ult him then just EQ out. I knew I would not win the lane with anything in my pool so I just played to live as much as possible.

  9. The 1 game you guys won was when you took a more selfish counter pick for top lane. Do you wish that you were more free to play the side lanes out and go for something more fighter style instead of a tank?

    Im not a very good top laner and misplayed in lane. my roll in that game was just ult someone into their team and get a big w. my team carried me there for sure. 

  10. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    TacoCat sometimes maybe good, Sometimes maybe shit 

  11. Whats the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about? 

    its this really unknow sitcom call raising hope

  12. What is the fav song to sing in the shower? 

    Its Ram Ranch

    Storms Note: Jesus WTF is that. Listen if you want something to offend people at least make it musically palpable. No cock Like horse cock Pepper Coyote lyrics Like listen to that. It sounds nice if someone is paying no attention whatsoever they would at least hum along. And it's just as stupid and crude.

DZG Styx

 For DZG we have their ADC Dragone.

  1. How often does your team practice?

    2-3 times a week

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

    Our org is already in Aegis and Titan, but I don't know why they choose CCS for us.

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

    Not our team.

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

    Annie and J4 right now, jg is too overpowered to be left alone.

  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

    I really don't know depends who is going to evolve better before the playoffs.

  6. Next Week you play CB Rush. Whats the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

    I would probably guess 2-1 for us, usually we need one game to see the play style and adapt to the other team.

  7. Last week you played Optimal Esports. What pick surprised you the most? If nothing surprised you can say the player that did the best for them instead.

    I really don't know, I don't pay attention to the names when I play. I guess the mid laner surprise me the most.

  8. Do you feel the games right now are on you to carry for your team? Games that you are not popping off your team seems to lose.

    Nope, we are a team that plays around everybody, the games we won was because we played a hyper carry comp that works against the other team, you will see us win with something else if we think that will work to won.

  9. How do you feel about the 2nd item ADC changes? Currently we are seeing tons of new builds pop up. Do you think this was a healthy change for the game?

    Adcs were always useful in teams comp, but that changes helped a lot about the Solo q part of it.

Silly Questions

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    He tried everything is could, but he still lost all of his mental to this stupid game.

  2. Whats the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about? 

    I don't watch a lot of Tv show but if you count anime too, I guess ''86'' is one underrated one by far.

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower? 

    Olivier Dion - Rendez-vous (Clip officiel). That would be one of my favorites by far.

CB Rush

Answering for CB Rush we have their ADC Hikaku

  1. How often does your team practice?

    We practice once a week has been less since CCS started since some of our members are having children and we have been a bit busy with IRL, Will start to ramp up practice soon though.

  2. Why choose CCS out of every league out there?

    I'm not sure why we are in CCS I think Rutledge just likes the competition and content of CCS.

  3. Are you playing in other leagues?

    No we entered Aegis but we’re waitlisted so currently no other leagues

  4. What's the solo que ban? 

    My personal Soloq ban is Asol. :)

  5. Who on your team is going to end the season with the highest rating according to the stats?

    Im 100% sure Pip will be the highest rated top in the split.

  6. Next Week you play DZG Styx. Whats the series score going to be? Any additional thoughts on them?

    2-0 no thoughts haven't even looked at their roster.

  7. Last week you played Bing Chillers. What pick surprised you the most? If nothing surprised you can say the player that did the best for them instead.

    Vs Bing Chillers I personally was surprised a lot by the Varus prio I haven't practiced vs it at all in scrims and Soloq and have a bad history vs Poke heavy lanes, something im looking into is learning how to play those sorta lanes out. Best player was either Fujin or Banger.

  8. How was the laning itself every game? Was there any lane combo you played that you just felt man we do not get to play the game last series?

    I didnt play any of the combos we have scrimmed with we wanted to test some things out since its early season.

  9. How do you feel Aphelios works in a team setting? With all of his different gun combos do you simply tell your team when you are strong? Does your team also understand him as well as you do? Or is his uniqueness not that big of a deal and you just play like a normal ADC. 

    Aphelios works very well in a team setting there is a lot of teammates to consider though so it can get pretty messy if you don't communicate your guns and rotations. Personally he was my favorite champ last season to play in Soloq along side Sivir I hope I can show how strong he is later in the split. He is a very similar style to what I typically play in soloq but is quite a bit better for Team settings cause of his versatility.

Silly Questions

  1. What do you think would be a fitting epitaph(carved letters) on your gravestone?

    Hmm weird question catches me a bit off guard but of the top of my head, Id say something like "Lived and died for the content(meme)"

  2. Whats the last TV show that you watched that you enjoyed that no one seems to talk about?.

     Favorite TV show recently was Black Lightning Favorite Netflix show was Lucifer and favorite anime recently was Call of the Night

  3. What is the fav song to sing in the shower?

    Call Me Karizma - Serotonin


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