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CCS 2023 Spring Rulebook 

  1. General Information
    1. CCS Novice Division
      1. Time - Thursday 8 pm EST
      2. Elo - Platinum 1 99 LP Peak Season 12
      3. Exception - One Diamond 4 99 LP Peak Season 12 
        1. Only 1 Exception player can play at one time. 
        2. Players who have reached P1 100 LP and failed promos will not be considered exception players, assuming they did not reach the D4 peak later. 
      4. Growth - Diamond 3 99 LP beginning match day of week 1, but absolute growth once playoffs begin. 
      5. History - Depends on Exception vs. Non Exception
        1. Non Exception Players - cannot have ever peaked Diamond 2+, cannot have peaked Diamond 3 Season 11.
        2. Exception Players - cannot have ever peaked Diamond 2+
      6. Entry Fee - 75$ per team and a 25$ FF Deposit 
        1. Entry Fee Breakdown - 50$ Prize Pool and 25$ Operations Fee
        2. FF Deposit Schedule - 2 Individual Games or 1 Match you lose 15$, 3 Games you lose 10$, 5+ Games or 2 Matches you are removed from the league. 
          1. Forced FF by admins do not count to your total unless stated otherwise. 
          2. Games are defined as one individual game
          3. Matches are defined as one entire series
            1. B03 Match has 2 to 3 Games
            2. B05 Match has 3 to 5 Games
      7. Prize Pool - 800$/1000$/1200$/1400$/1600$ (16/20/24/28/32 Team Format)
        1. Distribution - 1st Place 60%, 2nd Place 20%, 3rd/4th Place: 10%
      8. Admins will put teams in pools based on a variety of factors, solo que rank, previous experience, org reputation etc. Those pools will then be drawn to create as equal groups as possible.
        1. Tiebreaker for all Formats - Procedures will be used if two teams have identical match records in the regular season or seeding for the playoffs.
          1. Individual Game Winning Percentage
          2. Head to Head Record
          3. Cross Group Performance
          4. Best of 1 Winner Take All Game or B01 Tourney if multiple teams are involved. 
            1. B01 Tourney will be a double elim tourney that will be scheduled to happen before playoffs. Lowest Game Average Time will be used for seeding. 
        2. Regular Season - Rules Regarding Regular Season
          1. Decided by Random Draw, admins make pools 
          2. Groups of 5/6/7/8 teams
          3. Single Round Robin Regular Season (5 to 8 Weeks)
            1. Double Round Robin only for Groups of 5
            2. Cross-group games if necessary for Groups of 5 or 7
          4. Side Selection - Predetermined for game 1, loser gets side selection for game 2 and 3 
          5. Teams will be ordered by match record
            1. See 1.8.1 for tiebreaker rules
          6. Playoff Qualification - At least 50% of the teams will qualify for playoffs, break down of spots per amount is down below
            1. 16 Teams - 10 Playoffs Spots - 63%
            2. 20 Teams - 12 Playoff Spots - 60%
            3. 24 Teams - 16 Playoff Spots - 67%
            4. 28 Teams - 16 Playoffs Spots - 57%
            5. 32 Teams - 20 Playoff Spots - 63%
        3. Playoffs -  Rules Regarding Playoffs - 8 PM EST Start Time 
          1. Playoffs will be B05 Single Elimination (3 to 4 Weeks)
            1. 10/12 Playoff Spots - Play Ins, Quarters, Semis, Finals
              1. Play In Spots - Bottom 2 Pools
            2. 16 Playoff Spots - R016, Quarters, Semis, Finals
          2. Teams will be pooled into 4 pools. Pool #1 v Pool #4, and Pool #2 v Pool #3. Teams cannot draw a team from their regular season group.
          3. 20 Playoff Spots - Play Ins, R016, Quarters, Semis, Finals
            1. Play In Spots - Bottom 2 Pools
          4. Pools = Regular Season Seeding
          5. A reseeding round after the R016. The Top Half Remaining seeds will be the Seeded Group, the bottom Half remaining seeds will be the Unseeded. Teams can draw a team from their regular season group. Tiebreaker proceedings will apply for determining the groups, resulting in Seeded v Unseeded. This will determine the bracket moving forward, starting with the quarterfinals. 

    2. CCS Intermediate Division
      1. Time - Wednesday 8 pm EST 
      2. Elo - Diamond 3 99 LP Peak Season 12
      3. Growth - Diamond 2 99 LP beginning match day of week 1, but absolute growth once playoffs begin. 
      4. History -  Cannot have ever peaked Masters+, cannot have peaked Diamond 1 Season 11.
      5. Entry Fee - 100$ per team and a 25$ FF Deposit 
        1. Entry Fee Breakdown - 65$ Prize Pool and 35$ Operations Fee
        2. FF Deposit Schedule - 2 Individual Games or 1 Match you lose 15$, 3 Games you lose 10$, 5+ Games or 2 Matches you are removed from the league. 
          1. Forced FF by admins do not count to your total unless stated otherwise. 
          2. Games are defined as one individual game
          3. Matches are defined as one entire series
            1. B03 Match has 2 to 3 Games
            2. B05 Match has 3 to 5 Games
      6. Prize Pool - 1040$/1300$/1560$/1820$/2080$ (16/20/24/28/32 Team Format)
        1. Distribution - 1st Place 60%, 2nd Place 20%, 3rd/4th Place: 10%
      7. Admins will put teams in pools based on a variety of factors, solo que rank, previous experience, org reputation etc. Those pools will then be drawn to create as equal groups as possible.
        1. Tiebreaker for all Formats - Procedures will be used if two teams have identical match records in the regular season or seeding for the playoffs.
          1. Individual Game Winning Percentage
          2. Head to Head Record
          3. Cross Group Performance
          4. Best of 1 Winner Take All Game or B01 Tourney if multiple teams are involved. 
            1. B01 Tourney will be a double elim tourney that will be scheduled to happen before playoffs. Lowest Game Average Time will be used for seeding. 
        2. Regular Season - Rules Regarding Regular Season
          1. Decided by Random Draw, admins make pools 
          2. Groups of 5/6/7/8 teams
          3. Single Round Robin Regular Season (5 to 8 Weeks)
            1. Double Round Robin only for Groups of 5
            2. Cross-group games if necessary for Groups of 5 or 7
          4. Side Selection - Predetermined for game 1, loser gets side selection for game 2 and 3 
          5. Teams will be ordered by match record
          6. Playoff Qualification - At least 50% of the teams will qualify for playoffs, break down of spots per amount is down below
            1. 16 Teams - 8 Playoffs Spots - 50%
            2. 20 Teams - 12 Playoff Spots - 60%
            3. 24 Teams - 16 Playoff Spots - 67%
            4. 28 Teams - 16 Playoffs Spots - 57%
            5. 32 Teams - 16 Playoff Spots - 50%
          7. Playoff Qualification - At least 50% of the teams will qualify for playoffs, break down of spots per amount is down below
            1. 16 Teams - 10 Playoffs Spots - 63%
            2. 20 Teams - 12 Playoff Spots - 60%
            3. 24 Teams - 16 Playoff Spots - 67%
            4. 28 Teams - 16 Playoffs Spots - 57%
            5. 32 Teams - 20 Playoff Spots - 63%
        3. Playoffs -  Rules Regarding Playoffs - 8 PM EST Start Time 
          1. Playoffs will be B05 Single Elimination (3 to 4 Weeks)
            1. 10/12 Playoff Spots - Play Ins, Quarters, Semis, Finals
              1. Play In Spots - Bottom 2 Pools
            2. 16 Playoff Spots - R016, Quarters, Semis, Finals
          2. Teams will be pooled into 4 pools. Pool #1 v Pool #4, and Pool #2 v Pool #3. Teams cannot draw a team from their regular season group.
          3. 20 Playoff Spots - Play Ins, R016, Quarters, Semis, Finals
            1. Play In Spots - Bottom 2 Pools
          4. Pools = Regular Season Seeding
          5. A reseeding round after the R016. The Top Half Remaining seeds will be the Seeded Group, the bottom Half remaining seeds will be the Unseeded. Teams can draw a team from their regular season group. Tiebreaker proceedings will apply for determining the groups, resulting in Seeded v Unseeded. This will determine the bracket moving forward, starting with the quarterfinals. 

    3. CCS Advanced Division
      1. Time - Friday 8 pm EST 
      2. Elo - Masters 99 LP End Season 12
      3. Exception - One Masters 250 LP End Season 12 
        1. Only 1 Exception player can play at one time. 
      4. Growth - Absolute growth
      5. History -   Depends on Exception vs. Non Exception
        1. Non Exception Players - Cannot have ended above Masters 99 LP in season 12. Cannot have peaked GM ever.
        2. Exception Players - Cannot have ended Masters 250+ LP the last 3 seasons, cannot have peaked Challenger ever. GM peak will be taken on a case by case basis. 
          1. GM Peak - If the GM peak is in the current season, we are able to check the LP peak of a player, so the determining factor will be if they are below a certain LP threshold. If the GM was in a prior season, the main factor will be how early the peak was, specifically, if a player peaked in January/February, we will have more leeway. 
      6. Entry Fee - 125$ per team and a 25$ FF Deposit 
        1. Entry Fee Breakdown - 80$ Prize Pool and 45$ Operations Fee
        2. FF Deposit Schedule - 2 Individual Games or 1 Match you lose 15$, 3 Games you lose 10$, 5+ Games or 2 Matches you are removed from the league. 
          1. Forced FF by admins do not count to your total unless stated otherwise. 
          2. Games are defined as one individual game
          3. Matches are defined as one entire series
            1. B03 Match has 2 to 3 Games
            2. B05 Match has 3 to 5 Games
      7. Prize Pool -1280$/1600$/1920$/2240$/2560$ (16/20/24/28/32 Team Format)
        1. Distribution - 1st Place 60%, 2nd Place 20%, 3rd/4th Place: 10%
      8. Admins will put teams in pools based on a variety of factors, solo que rank, previous experience, org reputation etc. Those pools will then be drawn to create as equal groups as possible.
        1. Tiebreaker for all Formats - Procedures will be used if two teams have identical match records in the regular season or seeding for the playoffs.
          1. Individual Game Winning Percentage
          2. Head to Head Record
          3. Cross Group Performance
          4. Best of 1 Winner Take All Game or B01 Tourney if multiple teams are involved. 
            1. B01 Tourney will be a double elim tourney that will be scheduled to happen before playoffs. Lowest Game Average Time will be used for seeding. 
        2. Regular Season - Rules Regarding Regular Season
          1. Decided by Random Draw, admins make pools 
          2. Groups of 5/6/7/8 teams
          3. Single Round Robin Regular Season (5 to 8 Weeks)
            1. Double Round Robin only for Groups of 5
            2. Cross-group games if necessary for Groups of 5 or 7
          4. Side Selection - Predetermined for game 1, loser gets side selection for game 2 and 3 
          5. Teams will be ordered by match record
          6. Playoff Qualification - At least 50% of the teams will qualify for playoffs, break down of spots per amount is down below
            1. 16 Teams - 8 Playoffs Spots - 50%
            2. 20 Teams - 12 Playoff Spots - 60%
            3. 24 Teams - 16 Playoff Spots - 67%
            4. 28 Teams - 16 Playoffs Spots - 57%
            5. 32 Teams - 16 Playoff Spots - 50%
          7. Playoff Qualification - At least 50% of the teams will qualify for playoffs, break down of spots per amount is down below
            1. 16 Teams - 10 Playoffs Spots - 63%
            2. 20 Teams - 12 Playoff Spots - 60%
            3. 24 Teams - 16 Playoff Spots - 67%
            4. 28 Teams - 16 Playoffs Spots - 57%
            5. 32 Teams - 20 Playoff Spots - 63%
        3. Playoffs -  Rules Regarding Playoffs - 8 PM EST Start Time 
          1. Playoffs will be B05 Single Elimination (3 to 4 Weeks)
            1. 10/12 Playoff Spots - Play Ins, Quarters, Semis, Finals
              1. Play In Spots - Bottom 2 Pools
            2. 16 Playoff Spots - R016, Quarters, Semis, Finals
          2. Teams will be pooled into 4 pools. Pool #1 v Pool #4, and Pool #2 v Pool #3. Teams cannot draw a team from their regular season group.
          3. 20 Playoff Spots - Play Ins, R016, Quarters, Semis, Finals
            1. Play In Spots - Bottom 2 Pools
          4. Pools = Regular Season Seeding
          5. A reseeding round after the R016. The Top Half Remaining seeds will be the Seeded Group, the bottom Half remaining seeds will be the Unseeded. Teams can draw a team from their regular season group. Tiebreaker proceedings will apply for determining the groups, resulting in Seeded v Unseeded. This will determine the bracket moving forward, starting with the quarterfinals.

  2. Eligability
    1. All players must have played at least 100 solo queue games in season 12, and 20 solo queue games in season 13. The Main Designated Account must be level 100 or higher. Players will be expected to play 5 games multiplied by the number of regular season weeks by playoff match day.
      1. Ex) This means if the regular season was 7 weeks, the player would be expected to have 100 + 35 (7 weeks * 5 games), so a total of 135 games by playoffs. 
      2. Main Designated Account is the primary account that the player uses, or the highest ranked account, or the account with the highest win rate. Roster will help designate a player's main account. This will be the main account used to check eligibility. 
      3. If a player does not have the 100 solo queue games in season 12, they must have a total of 150 solo queue games for season 12 and 13. This includes the 20 expected games for season 13. 
        1. Ex) This means if a player had 95 games in season 12, they would need to play 55 games in season 13 to be eligible. Due to 20 games already being required, this is just an additional 35 games needed. 
    1. Flex Queue rank will matter based on roster staff discretion.
      1. If a flex queue rank is at one tier higher than the elo cap rank, there will be extra scrutiny 
        1. Novice Division  - Master
        2. Intermediate Division - Grandmaster 
        3. Advanced Division - Challenger
    2. Players must play on their designated main account for CCS matches, unless stated otherwise. 
    3. Players must disclose all level 30+ accounts that are currently or previously owned.
      1. Alternative accounts can be used against eligibility requirements. 
      2. Players cannot combine games across accounts to meet eligibility. 
      3. Accounts outside North America are required to be reported but do not count for eligibility, they can however be counted against. 
      4. Punishments can be found in the discipline section of the rulebook. (rule
    4. Any players who have their accounts punished by riot during the season, whether it be a suspension or peramban, are required to report it to the CCS. Riot Games punishment will match punishment in the league, unless stated otherwise.
    5. All players can be given a win rate contract on any account if roster staff deems it necessary. However, note that winrate contracts are automatically triggered at an overall 60% winrate for the main designated account. 
    6. All players are subject to the discretion of roster staff regarding eligibility. 
    7. All roster staff decisions are able to be appealed, an appeal can be filed by contacting the Director of Operations.
      1. Director of Operations - Densoft#8555

  3. Rosters
    1. Rosters are limited to a total of 15 spots. 
      1. 10 of these spots are the player spots, 5 are starter spots while 5 are considered sub spots. 
      2. 2 of these spots are the coaching spots, these coaches will be allowed to be present in voice chat during pick/ban, but must leave once the on-rift play begins. If a Coach is found in the voice chat during match time, the team will FF that series and lose the ability to have coaches during pick/ban voice for the entire split. 
      3. 2 of these spots are the team contact roles, these individuals, which can be anyone associated with the team, such as a manager, player, captain, coach, owner etc. Will have the ability to do roster changes, as well as be the primary point of contact for staff and other teams. Teams are required to have 2 team contacts listed, one as a primary and another as a secondary. 
      4. 1 of these spots are team owner roles, this is either the owner of the organization or whoever paid the entry fee, it can be both. Staff will reach out to these individuals only in extraordinary circumstances, such as cheating or harassment investigations etc.
      5. Players can only be rostered on one team per league, we will rule case by case if needed. CCS admins reserve the right to designate any individual as a player, coach, manager, or owner. 
    2. That’s Not Your Rank Acide - Roster Staff has the right to designate any player’s true elo, meaning a player who is eligible based on the rules, can be rejected for any reason.
    1. Regular Season Roster Addition Rules
      1. Regular Season Rosters lock 2 calendar days before game day. Failure to do so will result in any late additions being treated as esubs. 
        1. Novice Division - Tuesday 11:59 pm EST 
        2. Intermediate Division - Monday 11:59 pm EST 
        3. Advanced Division - Wednesday 11:59 pm EST
      2. Pepe’s Rule - Main IGN name changes are due 1 calendar day before game day. Failure to report will result in losing the 3rd ban in the 1st round for all games during the series.
        1. Novice Division  - Wednesday 11:59 pm EST 
        2. Intermediate Division - Tuesday 11:59 pm EST 
        3. Advanced Division - Thursday 11:59 pm EST
      3. Each team can only add 2 players a week in the regular season, if a team adds and uses a 3rd player for the week, that player will be considered an esub and will result in a 5 ban loss for that week's matches. No additional esubs can be used for said week. 
        1. Ex) Team A adds 2 players to their roster, team A is only allowed to use 1 esub for that week, and that player will result in all bans being lost. The use of 2 esub+ will result in a FF. 
        2. During the last week of the regular season, this rule applies after the addition of 1 player. 
      4. Teams cannot esub a player that would be considered an exception.
      5. If a team adds and uses a player after weekly regular season roster lock, that player will be considered an esub. Esubs must be approved by an admin/roster staff member before the game. Punishments are in effect as long as esub is being used, punishments are listed below.
        1. 1 Esub - Loss of the 2nd and 3rd ban in the 1st round.
        2. 2 Esubs - Loss of all bans.
        3. 3+ Esubs - FF 
        4. These Punishments change if a team has already added 2 players for the week.
          1. As detailed in rule 3.5, if a team has already added and will use any of those 2 players in this week's matches, they may only use 1 esub. That esub will result in a 5 ban loss for the week. 
      6. All players have a 1 week cooldown between teams if they played that week. This means if a player plays for Team A in week 4, they cannot play for any other team in Week 5.
      7. During the last week of the regular season, teams are limited to 1 roster addition maximum. Once playoffs have started no roster additions are allowed. The only exception to this rule are playoff esubs.
    1. Playoff Roster Addition Rules
      1. There will be no playoff roster additions except for emergency subs. 
      2. A team can use up to one playoff esub for the entire tournament. This esub can be used in multiple matches. The punishment is all bans are lost as long as the player is used. 
        1. Players who played for another team cannot be used as a playoff esub.
    2.  Roster rules apply between divisions and conferences. 
    3.  Captains can agree to waive off name change bans, but cannot waive off esub penalties. 
    4.  All teams are required to research and be knowledgeable about their players regarding eligibility, CCS is not responsible if a player is found to be ineligible later in the season. 

  4. Matches
    1. Captains will be provided Tournament Codes to join the lobby. If Tournament Codes fail for whatever reason, the captain of blue side will make the lobby, and be responsible to invite opposing players, as well as the broadcast team if the game is being streamed. 
      1. Games will be played on Summoner’s Rift 5v5 Tournament Draft with Allow Spectate. 
      2. If requested, a CCS staff member can check the lobby, but this is not required.
    2. Teams are required to use DraftLoL before client draft, unless both captains agree not to. 
    3. Players must be lined up in LCS Order (the role they intend to play).
    4. Matches will begin at 8 pm EST unless stated otherwise. A Match officially begins when teams are ready and/or draftlol has started. Being ready is defined as all 5 players in the game lobby and in LCS order.  Teams can agree to start draftlol before all players are ready if both captains agree. 
      1. If a team is not ready or draftlol has not started by the scheduled time, the opposing team can begin to claim lateness penalties, punishments are listed below. Bans only apply for the game the latenesses effected. 
        1. 5 mins after scheduled time - 3rd ban in the 1st round. 
        2. 10 mins after scheduled time - all bans in the 1st round.
        3. 15 mins after scheduled time - Game 1 FF Victory 
        4. 20 mins after scheduled time - Series FF Victory 
          1. If both teams do not show up to the match ready, it will be considered a double FF
          2. Captains can choose to not enforce FF penalties on opponents. 
          3. Teams will be expected to be back within the given time slot in LCS Order. 
            1. Teams have a maximum of 10 minutes before the start of the next game. Afterwards, rule begins to apply.
              1. Ex) Assume Game 1 ends at 8:50 PM EST, teams are expected to begin the match process for the next game at 9:00 PM EST. At 9:05 PM EST the opposing team who is not ready loses the 3rd ban in the 1st round, 9:10 PM EST loses all bans in the 1st round, etc. 
    5. Collective’s Legacy - A team cannot play a match 4v5, unless on rift play has already begun. 
    6. Picking or banning the wrong champion in client draft will result in losing the 3rd ban in the 1st round for next game, as well as a remake of client draft, the ban can be waived off by the enemy captain. 
    7. Players must have finished all champion changes before the timer countdown hits 20 seconds heading into the loading screen. Failure to do so will result in a FF for that game. 
      1. Solo laners are allowed to role swap after lining up in LCS Order. Solo lanes are defined as Mid and Top.
    8. Only the starting 5 players can be in voice communications once the on-rift play begins. On the rift play is defined as when summoner's rift is shown on the screen, this is directly after the loading screen. Teams must be in the official CCS discord voice channel during the match. Failure to do so will result in a FF for that game.
      1. Players are allowed to stream on discord to teammates during match time, note only the 5 players who are playing can be in comms. 
    9. All chat and mastery/emotes are allowed. However, be aware that CCS moderation rules do apply, if an opposing team reports improper behavior and provides evidence, an investigation will occur that can result in punishments.
    10. Each team is allowed to have 10 minutes of pause time per game. 
      1. Teams cannot pause during a fight between at least 2 players. An opposing team can report the infringement, and appropriate penalties will apply.
        1. Punishments will be a minimum of 1 ban loss next game up to a maximum of a FF victory. 
      2. Gregoreo’s Clause - Pause time can be used at any time during the match process. This includes after draflol and before client draft. 
      3. When pause time expires, the opposing team can force an unpause at any moment. If pause time expires while being used before client draft, the opposing team can then claim an FF game victory. 
    11. Remakes/Bugs/Technical Issues
      1. Remakes will be judged on a case by case basis, and will depend on a variety of factors. Ultimately, admin/referee discretion will come into play. Some basic guidelines are listed below.
        1. Amount of gold between both teams.
        2. Amount of turrets remaining, special emphasis on nexus turrets.
        3. Amount of inhibitors remaining.
        4. Game Time .
      2. Deliberate exploitation of bugs will result in serious punishments, a minimum of FF game to a maximum of being removed from the league. 
      3. Technical difficulties will be handled on a situational basis, issues such as broad national server lag may result in the forced rescheduling of games. 
    12. All game, client, and draft issues are ultimately up to admin discretion. 
    13. Matches can be rescheduled between captains, this includes times and days. By agreeing to a reschedule, both captains are agreeing to the new roster lock. Failure to show up to the rescheduled match will result in a double FF.
      1. Any rescheduled matches use the new rescheduled week’s roster lock.
      2. Any regular season rescheduled match must be done 2 weeks within the originally match date. All matches must be completed before the last  scheduled regular season match. Any reschedule must be reported to admins as soon as possible. If a reschedule is submitted within 24 hours of the match time, there is a chance the reschedule may be denied. 
      3. Any playoff rescheduled match must be done 3 days before the next upcoming match. Reschedules are also required to be reported 48 hours before the scheduled time. Note, Admins have the discretion to deny any reschedule, especially in a time constraint event like playoffs. 
    14. If a player wishes to stream a non-streamed CCS match, there must be a 3 minute delay on said stream. 
      1. CCS maintains stream exclusivity if it is streaming, meaning, other players, teams, or organizations, cannot stream an official CCS match without the explicit permission of the CCS admin staff. 

  5. Discipline
    1. General Chat will be subject to moderation, based on moderator/admin discretion. Content including but not limited to, discriminatory language, exposing of someone’s private information, nsfw content etc.
    2. Trash Talk is a private role requested channel that members of CCS discord can ask for in #role-assignment. Enter this channel at your discretion. While the channel is very lightly moderated, we still do not tolerate explicitly discriminatory language, exposing someone's private information or dms, death threats, nsfw content etc. Mods will treat everything on a case by case basis.
    3. In-game chats will be subject to general chat moderation, content that violates those rules are subject to similar punishments.
    1. League Related
      1. Smurfing - punishments listed below.
        1. Minimum Punishment - Suspension for a Split
        2. Maximum Punishment - Permanent Ban from the League 
      2. Knowledge of Smurfing - depends on the severity and amount of knowledge known, willful ignorance v deliberate action. 
        1. Minimum Punishment - Suspension for a Split
        2. Maximum Punishment - Permanent Ban from the League 
      3. Account Sharing - depends on the frequency and when the sharing was found.
        1. Minimum Punishment - Suspension for a Split 
        2. Maximum Punishment - Permanent Suspension from the League 
      4. Knowledge of Account Sharing - depends on the severity and amount of knowledge known, willful ignorance v deliberate action. 
        1. Minimum Punishment - Weekly Suspensions
        2. Maximum Punishment - Permanent Suspension from the League 
      5. Failure to list alternative accounts - depends on the severity and frequency, negligence v deliberate action.
        1. Minimum Punishment - Warning
        2. Maximum Punishment - Suspension for a Split 
    2. All league discipline related issues are ultimately up to admin/roster discretion.
      1.  Note, the CCS encourages all to cooperate in investigations, this includes sharing all information known about yourself and other individuals. The more you work with our roster team, the greater a chance of a reduced sentence. 
    1. Discord Related
      1. Breaking of General Moderation Rules, as indicated by a moderator or admin.
        1. 1st Offense
          1. Minimum Punishment - Warning
          2. Maximum Punishment - Permanent Ban with an option of appeal
        2. 2nd Offense
          1. Minimum Punishment - Hard Muted for a Week
          2. Maximum Punishment - Permanent Ban  with an option of appeal
        3. 3rd Offense
          1. Minimum Punishment - Suspension for a Split 
          2. Maximum Punishment - Permanent Ban with an option of appeal
        4. All offenses except for 3rd offenses reset by one at the end of the split. Therefore a person who was on their 2nd offense will begin the next split already on a warning.
        5. Any discord related punishments, including warnings, will result in the removal of the trash talk role by the player. 
    2. All punishments can be appealed unless explicitly stated otherwise, the appeal process can begin starting at the conclusion of the split the punishment happened or whenever it was indicated. The process will depend on the punishment. If the appeal fails, you cannot appeal again until at least 1 year after. Players can contact the department head or admin responsible, information will be down below.
      1. Discord Related - Marty#4770
      2. Roster Related - Densoft#8555