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Nameless League ADC Power Rankings

by gl4cial on Aug 3

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Hello everyone,

CoryJJ here alongside gl4cial as we bring YOU our prospective power rankings strictly for the ADC roles here in this Nameless Summer split. We collectively did a deep dive and collaborated on this ranking and overview of everyone's ADCs as this split is approaching its last week in the regular season. Our goal is just to bring some insight and digging to highlight the beloved ADC players in this split. I know I ain’t a professional (Cory) or have done these “rankings” very often but EVERYONE loves some good old fashion content. So let's have at er’.

NOTE: We won't be ranking someone who hasn't played at least half the season. We also won’t be ranking each other.


Synfable - Ascended Divine  

Games: 8 Kills: 39 Deaths: 35 Assists: 46 KDA: 2.43

“The Deal Breaker”

Now Synfable isn't being titled the deal break as the reason they have won or lost so far this season. Some unfavorable showings might make that seem as much but I’m giving him this title for a different reason. I believe that the skills this AD has will be the make or break for AD to make the playoffs. With a low KDA this split, Synfable hasn't been showing much to us in NaL. Playing some carry champs like Kai'Sa and proving to do well, I personally believe it’ll be in Synfables hands this week to prove if AD deserves to make the playoffs.

- CoryJJ


PRAYXYZ - Lotus Zen

Games: 8 Kills: 36 Deaths: 14 Assists: 83 KDA: 8.3

"The Comeback Kid"

PRAY's name is one that I've seen around the amateur scene for roughly as long as I've been playing in it. Unlike a lot of the ADCs playing in the league, PRAY has the experience of having played in Aegis, CCS, and other leagues, and is no stranger to amateur. However, these experiences have been riddled with mediocre results and dysfunctional rosters, between XFlow Blue and CB Galaxy rosters that went a combined 0-14 while he was playing. That is not a typo.

While PRAY was not able to be the difference maker for his past teams, Lotus's run in NaL has been a different tune. Carving out a niche as a reliable and consistent damage source and sporting the fewest deaths of any starting ADC in the league, PRAY has proven to be an integral part of his team's rise towards the top of the group. However, there may be concern about how his low-risk playstyle translates to playoffs, and I'm looking forwards to seeing how he can further grow as a player and step up to be a true carry for his team if they need it.

- gl4cial


WellShowThemAll - Mint Gaming Vanilla

Games: 8 Kills: 44 Deaths: 32 Assists: 54 KDA: 3.06

"The Support Diff"

In Mint Gaming's wins, WellShowThemAll looks like an important part of his teams success, putting together strong performances with few deaths. That being said, Mint Gaming does not have a lot of wins this season. His team as a whole has struggled against top teams in the league. A disastrous week 3 that saw him go 1-11, and an upcoming final week that sees him go against by far the two strongest teams in the division do not bode well. It's hard to judge an ADC when the team around them is inconsistent and flawed, and I'd like to see what WellShowThemAll is capable of doing when paired with a support who isn't a Shaco one-trick. Godspeed brother.

- gl4cial


Frankie17 - ID Supernova

Games: 8 Kills: 63 Deaths: 30 Assists: 58 KDA: 4.03

“The Anchor in the Bot Lane”

ID has a long roster of solid players ranging from top all the way to the bot side of the map. Frankie seems to be the flexible consistent anchor that wraps the whole package together. Playing a wide variety of champions and playstyles, has allowed ID to manipulate their drafts with Frankie still having the ability to aid ID to a win. Not a very high kill snowball player but is the leader in kills on this tier list, so don't expect a supershow from Frankie, but is consistent and supplemental to the wins from IDS.

- CoryJJ


Sleeep - Glacial Valkyrie

Games: 8 Kills: 39 Deaths: 33 Assist: 40 KDA: 2.39

"The Unlucky"

As it stands, Glacial Valkyrie is knocked out of playoffs heading into week 5. Not only that, but their two games against Phoenix Legion have been their only two wins. And that's a shame, because at times Glacial Valkyrie has looked like they could possible take games off some of the middle of the pack teams. They still have the chance to do so in this last week, but Sleeep's performances have not been able to get Valkyrie over the finish line. At best, a small lead out of lane isn't enough to dig the team out of the hole they usually find themselves in, and at worst, Sleeep finds themself a victim of war crimes like in their games against Lotus Zen. Here's to hoping that Glacial Valkyrie can end the season on a positive note with strong performances out of Sleeep.


Dible - CB Rush

Games: 7 Kills: 38 Deaths: 20 Assists: 36 KDA: 3.70

"The Sheriff"

Dible is one of the few ADCs playing in either Nameless or Aegis with enough experience to be recognized by people I consulted when working on my list. I haven't seen him in other leagues, but many people can attest to his high potential as a player. When on his signature Caitlyn, he can be an unkillable force who draws pressure and pumps damage. However, I can't help but feel disappointed about the current performance of Dible when compared to the potential that he has. With Caitlyn banned, he's struggled to find his synergy with Kaddie while playing picks like Kai'Sa, and struggled on an off-meta Swain pick. Rutledge being on vacation was Dible's chance to step up and be the primary carry of his team, but the team struggled to find any success. With long-time amateur player NuFFies coming into the team, this might be what Dible and CB Rush need to get an extra boost of confidence and determination they need to firmly slot themselves in as a title contender.

- gl4cial


Frostbyt -  Iceborn Kingdom

Games: 8 Kills: 31 Deaths: 24 Assists: 45 KDA: 3.17

“Into The Multiverse”

Frostbyt to my experience has played multiple different roles through the Plat/Dia/Emerald? Scene. This has been a chance to show the different attributes that they’re able to succeed in when it comes to the bot lane. From mages, to long range AD’s, Frostbyt has played 6 unique champs in 8 games. IBK hasn't had a ton of success this split, typical for its “Press R Comps” has not seemed to give success to the roster. With 1 week left and a LONG shot possibility of IBK making playoffs, let's see if the multidimensional player Frostbyt is cookin something to help IBK into playoffs.



True Minded Gaming

A Student of AD

Games: 4 Kills: 44 Deaths: 23 Assists: 33 KDA: 3.35

Ur ai Waifu

Games: 2 Kills: 10 Deaths: 10 Assists: 8 KDA: 1.8

Not enough games


True Minded Gaming Red

Shy Winter

Games: 4 Kills: 14 Deaths: 17 Assists: 16 KDA: 1.76

“Six Flags Roller Coaster”

The title itself explains the split that Shy has been having. Posting a solid score with TMG reds win that they were a part of, but some quite unsatisfactory showings of their loss. Not knowing too much of Shy, but knowing that TMG Red has had multiple ADC’s this split play for them, can be hard to find a balance and flow with the team. Maybe they were just clicking with the deathless game? Maybe the enemy team was just asleep? Or maybe we saw a glimpse of what the true capability of Shy Winter is. If they're suiting up this week with TMG Red for a chance to make it to playoffs, they better get off the roller coaster, level out their game to bring TMG Red into Playoffs.

- CoryJJ


NA Super ADC

Games: 2 Kills: 11 Deaths: 9 Assists: 9 KDA: 2.22

Not enough games



Games: 2 Kills: 15 Deaths: 9 Assists: 22 KDA: 4.11

Not enough games


Phoenix Legion


Games: 3 Kills: 11 Deaths: 16 Assists: 14 KDA: 1.56

Not enough games



Games: 2 Kills: 4 Deaths: 13 Assists: 9 KDA: 0.69



Games: 1 Kills: 7 Deaths: 5 Assists: 5 KDA: 2.4

Not Enough games

Power Rankings

 Cory JJ’s Rankings  
gl4cial’s Rankings


Closing Thoughts

As someone who's finally enjoying the ADC meta and it's not stupid shit like seraphine, being slammed bot lane all the time it'll be exciting to see playoffs roll in and how everyone shines through. This was created with no hate to any ADC player, just my honest opinion on what I’ve seen and interpreted. Utility ADC like Ashe are super strong, while hyper carriers like Kai sa are a massive priority that leads to all different types of players succeeding. Playoffs are times where AD’s need to step up mid to late game to close out series’ and deal raw damage and live to tell the tale. The NaL split is clearly top heavy but playoffs are always a time to shine, especially in the ADC role. I wanna see players step up, show out, and prove why WE ADC players aren't just morons who right click aimlessly. Best of luck to everyone! 
