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Posts by Ulrum

The Weekly Classic | Week 4: A Fast but Incomplete Week - Advanced
by Ulrum on Mar 18

What better way to abuse the adc centric meta than to stack another adc on top? Hell, who needs a traditional support either? Just two ADCs, a Heimer, and some front line. What was anyone supposed to do? All jokes aside though, I think this is a really interesting draft, even if I think that a few adjustments from NG could have made the draft difference go the other way...


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The Weekly Classic | Week 3: Early Upsets and Some Quick Series - Advanced
by Ulrum on Mar 11

This is sincerely one of those games in which a single player was able to not only put the team on their back, but also show why the ADC position is honestly overloaded this split. Personally, a lot of what I dislike about the TCR draft here is shown off by the end result. There really just wasn’t a coherent way for TCR to consistently threaten the carries of TAN...


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The Weekly Classic | Week 2: The Ball is Rolling - Advanced
by Ulrum on Mar 11

Welcome to the 2nd edition of The Weekly Classic, where we’re going to take a deeper dive into what happened in Week 2 of the Advanced League, what we can expect in next week’s games, and some looks at the general rankings of the teams in this league. My name is Ulrum, and I’ll be taking you all through this bit by bit each week...


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