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Posts by Chelsea

Chelsea' C.R.I.N.G.E Report | Week 4: Banger Edition - Intermediate
by Chelsea on Mar 16

Hard Hat Zone are looking like the number 1 team coming into the back half of the regular season, only having 1 game loss to Dorado Gaming Omega of all teams. Alternative, their star player, leads the league in kills and is 2nd in DPM and has not disappointed with his pocket picks...


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Chelsea's C.R.I.N.G.E Report | Week 3: Banger Edition - Intermediate
by Chelsea on Mar 11

I think we have a clear top 5 teams, with Dorado Omega being a wild-card 6th place. I think these teams are all really close in skill and all can take series/games off of each other. I also think Omega and Mint Tax Evasion are really good, but Omega is very inconsistent and Mint hasn’t played a top half team that has had a full roster yet...


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Chelsea's C.R.I.N.G.E Report | Week 3 - Intermediate
by Chelsea on Mar 2

Hi! Until Gl4cial gets started with content, I’ll be doing the intermediate power rankings/content for you guys, so good luck with that. Also, Mr. Potate is back, so that’s kinda cool. Now that another week has passed, we do a little more adjustments with the rankings. I’m excited to see how the rest of the split will turn out! Without further ado, presenting, Chelsea’s CCS Recent Important Noteworthy Gaming Events Report...


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