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Chelsea's C.R.I.N.G.E Report | Week 3: Banger Edition - Intermediate

by Chelsea on Mar 11

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No Introduction for you mfs. Without further ado, presenting, Chelsea’s CCS Recent Important Noteworthy Gaming Events Report, a.k.a. 

Chelsea’s C.R.I.N.G.E. Report

Intermediate Post Week 2 Power Rankings

1 ▲3

Hard Hat Zone

2 ▲6

ID Toxin

3 ▼1

Bing Chillers

4 ▼3

Going Soulbert

5 ▼2

Dorado Iota

6 ▼1

Dorado Omega

Mint Gaming Tax Evasion

8 ▼2

TA Fury

9 ▲1

Nameless Echo

10 ▼1

Lotus Prestige

11 ▲2

Stunned Gaming Mythos


Renge Tea Time

13 ▲1

Contingent Esports Yellow

Colors represent general tiers of strength

All THIRTEEN real CCS teams have been added to this tier list! Some things to note, I think we have a clear top 5 teams, with Dorado Omega being a wild-card 6th place. I think these teams are all really close in skill and all can take series/games off of each other. I also think Omega and Mint Tax Evasion are really good, but Omega is very inconsistent and Mint hasn’t played a top half team that has had a full roster yet. 

At the bottom of the table, we have not much changing, with Nameless Echo continuing their slow rise as they face another similarly ranked team this week in Stunned Gaming Mythos. I think this match will be key at determining which team has a chance to break into the top half, as we are cresting the halfway point of the regular season so teams will have to start getting these wins in if they want to be in a good position come playoffs. 

I have TA Fury at the 8th spot as I think they represent the exact middle ground between the good teams and the not so good teams. One could say they are the average, much like TA’s plat program over the past year. 

No one’s really cared about Renge Tea Time all split, and I still haven’t figured out if they’re the same guys from that youtube channel, but regardless their only big moment was taking a game off of Mint Tax Evasion so they’re going to have to start converting into some series wins if they want to make a deep playoff run. 

Contingent Esports Yellow has made some roster swaps, but unfortunately I don't think that they’ll really amount to anything (Sorry MrPotate) so I still have them stuck at the bottom. 

Lotus Prestige seems to have dropped the zongster after he dropped 100 dollars on dojos, so I don’t really know what happened there. Their new top laner looks kinda mid, so I don’t see their standings changing up much.

Moonstone Gaming



Moonstone Gaming

Exhibit A: Dreams

        I feel really bad for Moonstone Gaming so I’ve removed them from the big tier list and made them their very own power rankings where they can be number 1. 

        They took their 3rd 1-2 loss in a row, which feels really bad because they’re facing an 0-2 start without having played the 3 top teams in their group, Bing Chillers, DoG Iota, and ID Toxin. 

        This week they play the Chillers, so an upset win would: 

  1. Make my life hell
  2. Be the turn around factor that their season needs. 

        Last week they took a loss to Stunned, much to the dismay of literally everyone but Stunned, but again it was a close series that could’ve gone either way. 

        I suggest they continue to play through ccs vets chong feng qiang and guo feng tang, especially now that the patch has changed to value more farming junglers. Getting xiaopp a bunch of gold surely will give them a win. 

Mint Gaming Tax Evasion

Exhibit B: donowalled 

        Mint Gaming Tax Evasion is a curiosity of a team. I’d say I hate rubbing salt in the wound but I’d be lying so I watched these guys (-mid/adc) get thrashed in MetaShift Xenon finals. 

        While I’m sure that can’t be good for morale, they get the benefit of playing against another team without their full roster this week in Dorado Gaming Omega. That’s why I think they’ll win, even if I think both teams at full strength would be a really close match. 

        As much as people meme Mint, this team doesn’t look particularly bad, they just haven’t shown themselves against a good team and have looked a little inconsistent against some of the weaker teams (MSG, RTT). 

ID Toxin

        ID Toxin has the distinct honor of being the team that moved up the most from the start of the split’s rankings; my bad guys. These guys took a very close 2-1 series over Bing Chillers after very strong performances by the whole team, especially Sutekh’s Wukong in game 3 and Duk’s Zeri in game 1. 

        This week they play against Contingent Yellow (feat. MrPotate) and I expect them to absolutely roll them in a 2-0 stomp. If they don’t, then I might’ve been too hasty putting them at number 2. YourMomsOP (Duk) is looking to be one of the strongest ADCs in the CCS and the rest of the team looks to be no slouch either. 

        I’ve been pleasantly surprised with ChillWillKills as well, as he was one of the two players I had questions about coming into the season. I also think Yoon Gamin has looked great on tanks, and that role fits really well with their hard carry bot side.